11. međunarodni festival klasične glazbe Novi Vinodolski 2021.

The 11th International Classical Music Festival

Svečano otvorenje / Opening ceremony


Ponedjeljak, 19. srpnja, 21.00 / Monday, July 19, 9 p.m.

Kvartet Auner / Auner Quartet, Austrija / Austria

Daniel Auner, violina / violin

Kvartet Auner, pobjednik Međunarodnog natjecanja Eugène Ysaÿe u Liègeu, Belgija, savršen je glazbeni spoj umjetnika. Kao prvi austrijski komorni sastav na naslovnici Europskog godišnjaka reproduktivnih umjetnika, ovaj bečki gudački kvartet već zauzima čvrsto mjesto u svijetu klasične glazbe. Austrijsko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova imenovalo ga je kulturnim ambasadorima u koncertnoj sezoni 2020./21. pa kvartet redovito nastupa u Austrijskim kulturnim forumima i veleposlanstvima diljem svijeta u sklopu projekta NASOM (Novi austrijski zvuci glazbe).


  1. Giuliani (1781-1829) Rossiniana, op. 119, br. 1 / Op. 119, No. 1

Utorak, 3. kolovoza, 21.00 / Tuesday, August 3, 9 p.m.



Duo Balyk, Rusija-Hrvatska / Russia-Croatia

Ples divljaka (Danse des Sauvages) /

The Dance of Savages

  1. Bertucci (1841-1931) Notturno


Novi Vinodolski 2021


Svečano otvorenje / Opening ceremony Ponedjeljak, 19. srpnja, 21.00 / Monday, July 19, 9 p.m. Kvartet Auner / Auner Quartet, Austrija / Austria

Daniel Auner, violina / violin

Barbara de Menezes Galante Auner, violina / violin Nikita Gerkusov, viola / viola

Konstantin Zelenin, violončelo / cello

Mozart, Schubert, Gourzi, Beethoven



Utorak, 27. srpnja, 21.00 / Tuesday, July 27, 9 p.m.

Luka Lovreković, gitara / guitar

Giuliani, Ponce, Rodrigo, Ginastera



Utorak, 3. kolovoza, 21.00 / Tuesday, August 3, 9 p.m.

Duo Balyk, Rusija-Hrvatska / Russia-Croatia

Vladimir Balyk, klasična harmonika / classical accordion / bayan

Nataša Balyk, mandolina / mandolin / dombra

Händel, Albinoni, Vivaldi, Rameau, Balyk, Schnittke



Utorak, 10. kolovoza, 21.00 / Tuesday, August 10, 9 p.m.

Zagrebački puhački trio / Zagreb Woodwind Trio

Dario Golčić, oboa / oboe

Bruno Philipp, klarinet / clarinet Žarko Perišić, fagot / bassoon

Gošća koncerta / Guest of the concert Maria Mikulić Štimac, klavir / piano

Glinka, Tomasi, Smalys, Mozart, Poulenc



Utorak, 17. kolovoza, 21.00 / Tuesday, August 17, 9 p.m.

Ansambl Illyrica

Nika Bauman, flauta / flute

Iva Casian-Lakoš, violončelo / cello Marko Ferlan, gitara / guitar Hiwote Tadesse, viola / viola

Haydn, H. Villa-Lobos, Budinich, Schubert

Barbara de Menezes Galante Auner, violina / violin Nikita Gerkusov, viola / viola

Konstantin Zelenin, violončelo / cello


  1. A. Mozart (1756-1791) Divertimento u F-duru / Divertimento in F major, K. 138

Allegro Andante Presto

  1. Gourzi (1962-) AnájikonAnđeo u plavom vrtu, gudački kvartet, op. 61, br. 3 /

The Angel in the Blue Garden, string quartet, Op. 61, No. 3

Plava ruža / The Blue Rose Plava ptica / The Blue Bird

Plavi Mjesec / The Blue Moon 1, 2, 3

  1. Schubert (1797-1828) Gudački kvartet Rosamunda / Rosamunde String Quartet

Allegro ma non troppo

  1. van Beethoven (1770-1827) Gudački kvartet, op. 18, br. 4 u c-molu /

String Quartet, Op. 18, No 4 in C minor

Allegro ma non tanto

Andante scherzoso quasi Allegretto

Menuetto. alegretto Allegro-Prestissimo

Sastavljen od violinista Daniela i Barbare Auner, violista Nikite Gerkusova i čelista Konstantina Zelenina, ansambl redovito nastupa u različitim prostorima i prigodama. Osobito se ističu Brahmsova dvorana bečkog Musikvereina, Schubertova dvorana bečkoga Konzerthausa, Centar Arnold Schönberg, Dvorana komorne glazbe zgrade Kongresa u Grazu, Festival Allegro Vivo, Festival Richarda Straussa u Garmisch Partenkirchenu (Njemačka), Šubertijada u Sionu (Švicarska), Ravenski festival, Međunarodni festival kvarteta u Fiesoleu (Italija), Kazalište Claudio Santoro (Brazil), Glazbeni festival u Cartageni (Kolumbija) itd.

The winner of the Eugène Ysaÿe Competition in Liège, Belgium, the Auner Quartet is a perfect musical match. As the first Austrian ensemble on the cover of the Performing Arts Yearbook of Europe, the Vienna based string quartet has firmly established itself in the international world of classical music. Appointed by Austria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as cultural ambassadors for the 2020/21 season, the quartet now regularly performs as part of the NASOM (The New Austrian Sound of Music) series in cultural forums and embassies worldwide.

Comprised of violinists Daniel and Barbara Auner, violist Nikita Gerkusov, and cellist Konstantin Zelenin, the ensemble is performing regularly in various venues. Highlights include the Brahms Saal of the Vienna Musikverein, the Schubert Saal of the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Arnold Schönberg Centre, the Ehrbar Hall, the chamber music hall of the Graz Congress (Ö1 music salon), the Allegro Vivo festival, the Pölzhalle Amstetten (AT); the Richard Strauss Festival Garmisch Partenkirchen, the Moers Festival and the ÖKF Berlin (DE); the Schubertiade Sion (Switzerland); the Ravenna Festival, the Festival Interazionale di Quartetto di Fiesole, the Hofburg Brixen Bressanone (Italy); the Fundação Oscar Americano, USP, the Teatro Claudio Santoro (Brazil); the Fadjr Festival (Iran); the Yarmouk Cultural Center (Kuwait); the Polotsk Easter Festival (Belarus), the Salon Concerts Bratislava (Slovakia); the Cartagena Music Festival (Colombia) and many others.

Utorak, 27. srpnja, 21.00 / , Tuesday, July 27, 9 p.m.

Luka Lovreković, gitara / guitar

  1. Maria Ponce (1882-1948) Intermezzo br. 1 / No.1

  1. Rodrigo (1901-1999) Razigrana sonata / Sonata giocosa

Allegro moderato Andante moderato Allegro

  1. Ginastera (1916-1983) Sonata za gitaru, op. 47 / Sonata for Guitar, Op. 47

Esordio Scherzo Canto Finale

Luka Lovreković diplomirao je 2019. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi K. Bedeka. Pohađao je majstorske tečajeve renomiranih gitarista poput M. Barrueca, L. Kuropaczewskog, X. Sahatxhije, C. Marchionea, P. Çekua, P. Pegorara, Z. Dukića, J. Perroya, L. Michelija i drugih.

Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada na natjecanjima u Hrvatskoj (Papandopulo), Belgiji, Bugarskoj, Njemačkoj, Italiji, Poljskoj, Španjolskoj, Portugalu te Nizozemskoj, na festivalima u Velbertu (Andres Segovia), Viseuu (Portugal), Groningenu (Nizozemska), Bruxellesu (Belgija) itd.

Dobitnik je nagrade Oskar znanja Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj za svoja umjetnička dostignuća 2017., Dekanove nagrade Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu 2019. te zahvalnice Grada Križevaca za 2021. Također je pobjednik natjecanja u organizaciji Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu i Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Španjolske u Hrvatskoj za najboljeg izvođača španjolske glazbe 2016.

Luka Lovreković, born in 1995, started playing the guitar at the age of eight. After graduating from the Academy of Music in Zagreb in 2019, where he studied in the class of K. Bedek, he attended master courses of renowned guitarists, such as M. Barrueco,

  1. Kuropaczewski, X. Sahatxhija, C. Marchione, P. Çeku, P. Pegoraro, Z. Dukić, J. Perroy, L. Micheli and others. He is currently a student at the Kunstuniversität Graz in the class of Lukasz Kuropaczewski.

He has won numerous prizes at competitions in Croatia (Papandopulo), Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, as well as at festivals, such as Andres Segovia in Velbert (Germany), Viseu (Portugal), Groningen (the Netherlands), Brussels (Belgium), etc.

He was awarded the Oscar of Knowledge prize for his artistic achievements in 2017 by the Ministry of Science and Education in Croatia, the Dean›s Award in 2019 by the Academy of Music in Zagreb and the Certificate of Appreciation by the City of Križevci in 2021. He has also won at a competition organized by the Academy of Music in Zagreb and the Embassy of Spain in Croatia as the best performer of Spanish music in 2016. Since the same year, together with Lovro Peretić and Ivan Šimatović, he has been a member of an award-winning Evocación Trio.

Vladimir Balyk, klasična harmonika / classical accordion / bayan

Nataša Balyk, mandolina / mandolin / dombra


  1. F. Händel (1685-1759) Suita iz opere Almira / Suite from the opera Almira



Ouverture Menuet / Minuet Sarabande Rigaudon

  1. Albinoni (1671-1751) Adagio u g-molu / Adagio in G minor

  1. Vivaldi (1678-1741) Sinfonia iz opere Olimpijada / from The Olympiad

Allegro Andante Allegro

  1. Ph. Rameau (1683-1764) Galantna Indija (Les Indes galantes), iz suite za orkestar

/ The Amorous Indies, from the suite for orchestra

Tambourin I-II Menuet I-II

  1. Munier (1859-1911) Španjolski capriccio, op. 276 /

Spanish Capriccio, Op. 276

  1. Balyk (1958-) Međimurska / A Folksong from Međimurje



  1. Schnittke (1934-1998) Suita u starinskom stilu / Suite in the Old Style

Menuet Fuga Pantomima

  1. Jenkins (1944-) Palladio



Nataša Balyk pripada generaciji izvođača koji se ističu svojom izvanrednom, tehnički briljantnom i prvorazrednom glazbenom interpretacijom. Magistrirala je dombru 1983. na Državnom konzervatoriju u Astrahanu (Rusija), u klasi J. Noskova, a 1987. doktorirala na Državnom konzervatoriju u Sankt-Peterburgu, u klasi I. Šitenkova.

Bila je docenticom na Glazbenom konzervatoriju u Astrahanu. Nastupala je na mnogim koncertima kao solistica te kao koncertna majstorica Astrahanskog filharmonijskog orkestra. Od 1993. stalno nastupa u sastavu ansambla Trio Nata Bene s kojim osvaja brojne međunarodne nagrade (Grand Prix u Francuskoj; 1. nagrada u Castelfidardu, Italija; 2. nagrada u Klingenthalu, Njemačka) te nastupa na turnejama u Francuskoj, Švicarskoj, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj i Austriji. Od 1998. često nastupa sa suprugom Vladimirom diljem Hrvatske i u inozemstvu, a 2017. Duo Balyk održao je uspješnu turneju u većim kineskim gradovima.

Vladimir Balyk jedan je od istaknutih predstavnika suvremenog izvođaštva na harmonici. Studij klasične harmonike završio je na Državnom konzervatoriju u Lavovu (Ukrajina), u klasi dr. M. Oberjuhtina. Doktorirao je 1986. na Glazbenoj akademiji Gnessin u Moskvi. Laureat je jednog od najuglednijih međunarodnih natjecanja harmonikaša, Vogtlandskih glazbenih dana u Klingenthal-Markneukirchenu 1981.

Niz uspješnih nastupa započinje solističkim koncertom 1977. nakon čega je gost brojnih koncertnih pozornica diljem Europe (Rusija, Njemačka, Francuska, Rumunjska, Hrvatska), a ističe se solistički nastup 1999. u Parizu na UNESCO-ovu koncertu Music for Peace (Glazba za mir), s najistaknutijim umjetnicima svijeta. Godine 1994. V. Balyk dobitnik je naslova Zaslužni ruski umjetnik, a 1995. proglašen je Čovjekom godine na polju kulture i umjetnosti.

Natasha Balyk belongs to a generation of performers who stand out because of their extraordinary technical brilliance and first-class musical interpretation. She received her master’s degree on the dombra in 1983, at the State Conservatory in Astrakhan (Russia) under Dr. J. Noskov, and attained a PhD degree in 1987 at the State Conservatory in Saint Petersburg under Dr. Shitenkov.

She was assistant professor at the Music Conservatory in Astrakhan. She performed in many concerts both as a soloist and concertmaster ot the Astrakhan Philharmonic Orchestra. Since 1993, she has been a permanent performer with the Nata Bene Trio, with whom she has won numerous international awards. Since 1998, she has regularly performed with her husband Vladimir




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throughout Croatia and other countries (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Finland). She has been active as a teacher, winning with her pupils numerous national and international prizes, such as the Oscar of Knowledge.

Vladimir Balyk was born in the Ukraine in 1958. He studied classical accordion at the State Conservatory in Lvov under Dr. Oberyuhtin, and conducting under Dr. Wymer. He received his doctorate in 1986 at the Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow. He was the winner of numerous significant international awards (laureate of the most distinguished international accordion competition Vogtländische Musiktage in Klingenthal-Markneukirchen in Germany in 1981). After a series of successful performances, he began giving solo concerts in 1977 and was a guest on many concert stages throughout Europe (Russia, Germany, France, Poland, Romania and Croatia). He excelled in his 1999 solo performance in Paris at the UNESCO Music for Peace concert, together with the most prominent world artists. In 1994, he became one of Russia’s Honoured Artists, and in 1995, he was proclaimed Man of the Year in the sphere of culture and art in Russia.

Utorak, 10. kolovoza, 21.00 / Tuesday, August 10, 9 p.m.



Zagrebački puhački trio / Zagreb Woodwind Trio

Dario Golčić, oboa / oboe

Bruno Philipp, klarinet / clarinet Žarko Perišić, fagot / bassoon

Gošća koncerta / Guest of the concert Maria Mikulić Štimac, klavir / piano


  1. Glinka (1804-1857 Patetični trio u d-molu za klavir, klarinet i fagot /

Trio Pathétique in D minor for piano, clarinet and bassoon

Allegro moderato



Allegro con spirito

  1. Tomasi (1901-1971) Pastoralni koncert (Concert champêtre) za puhački trio /

Pastoral Concerto for woodwind trio

Ouverture Minuetto Bourée Nocturne Tambourin

Ž. Smalys (1980-)                Lirska suita posvećeno ZPT-u

Lyric Suite (dedicated to the Zagreb Woodwind Trio)

Valse Pastorale Tarantella Lamento Toccata

  1. Novačić (1964) Leptiri za puhački trio

Butterflies for woodwind trio

  1. Poulenc (1899-1963) Trio za obou, fagot i klavir, FP43 /

Trio for oboe, bassoon and piano, FP43

Lent. Presto Andante Rondo

Zagrebački puhački trio u svom novom sastavu: Dario Golčić (oboa), Bruno Philipp (klarinet) i Žarko Perišić (fagot) nastavlja tradiciju ansambla osnovanog 1969., propagirajući glazbu za puhače. Njegov širok repertoar sastoji se od skladbi svih stilova i razdoblja, ali općenito ansambl inklinira suvremenoj glazbi. Na inicijativu Trija nastale su brojne skladbe, a mnogi hrvatski skladatelji posvetili su mu svoja djela. Ansambl uživa i međunarodni ugled.

Dario Golčić studirao je u Freiburgu (Heinz Holliger), Baselu (Omar Zoboli i Christian Schmitt), Lausannei (Vincent Gay-Balmaz) te bio sudionik majstorskog tečaja kod Thomasa Indermühlea. Dobitnik je više prvih nagrada na republičkim i saveznim natjecanjima oboista. Kao solist nastupao je sa Zagrebačkim solistima, ansamblom Cantus, komornim orkestrima iz Freiburga i Heidelberga te Novim orkestrom iz Basela. Surađivao je s Baselskim simfonijskim orkestrom, Filharmonijskim orkestrom iz Freiburga i Zagrebačkom filharmonijom.

Bruno Philipp diplomirao je klarinet na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, a usavršavao se na Konzervatoriju u Parizu. Solistički je nastupio s brojnim relevantnim hrvatskim ansamblima te ostvario suradnju s dirigentima i kompozitorima, kao što su T. Uhlik, B. Šipuš, M. Makar, P. Dešpalj, J. Magdić, M. Miletić, D. Bobić i drugi. Član je komornih sastava Trio Solenza, Zagrebački puhački trio, Camerata Cantilly i Zagreb Klezmer Trio.

Žarko Perišić po završetku studija na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi M. Kobetića nastavlja usavršavanje u Salzburgu na Visokoj školi za glazbu Mozarteum u klasi M. Turkovića i R. Gallera. Tijekom studija osvaja brojne nagrade na solističkim i komornim natjecanjima. Surađuje s brojnim orkestrima te komornim ansamblima diljem Europe i svijeta na mjestu solo fagotista. Sudionik je festivala u Villarsu (Švicarska), Straussovih dana, Muzičkog biennala Zagreb te surađuje s brojnim istaknutim umjetnicima.

Maria Mikulić Štimac diplomirala je na Konzervatoriju Rimski-Korsakov u Sankt- Peterburgu, Rusija, klasa J. A. Murine i P. Jegorova, a usavršavala se u klasi V. Višnjevskog. Magisterij glazbene umjetnosti stekla je na Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst u Grazu, Austrija, i na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Doktorirala je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Splitu. Kao samostalna umjetnica nastupala je diljem Hrvatske i u inozemstvu solistički i u komornom sastavu. Nastupala je na brojnim domaćim i međunarodnim festivalima, snimila šest CD-a.

The Zagreb Woodwind Trio in their new line-up: Dario Golčić (oboe), Bruno Philipp (clarinet) and Žarko Perišić (bassoon) resume the tradition of an ensemble founded in 1969, promoting wind music. Their extensive repertoire contains compositions of all styles and periods, but on the whole, the ensemble leans towards modern music. Many Croatian composers have written for the Trio. The ensemble has also gained international reputation.

Dario Golčić studied in Freiburg (Heinz Holliger), Basel (Omar Zoboli and Christian Schmitt), Lausanne (Vincent Gay-Balmaz) and took part in Thomas Indermühle’s master class. He was the winner of several first prizes in national and international oboe competitions. As a soloist, he performed with the Zagreb Soloists, Cantus Ensemble, chamber orchestras from Freiburg and Heidelberg, as well as the New Orchestra from Basel. He collaborated with the Basel Symphony Orchestra, the Freiburg Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra.

Bruno Philipp graduated in clarinet from the Academy of Music in Zagreb, and went on to study at the Paris Conservatory. He has appeared as a soloist with many outstanding Croatian ensembles and collaborated with various conductors and composers, such as T. Uhlik,

  1. Šipuš, M. Makar, P. Dešpalj, J. Magdić, M. Miletić, D. Bobić and others. He is a member of the chamber ensembles Solenza Trio, Zagreb Woodwind Trio, Camerata Cantilly and Zagreb Klezmer Trio.

Žarko Perišić graduated from the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb in the class of Marijan Kobetić in 1990. After completing his studies, he continued his education in the graduate class of M. Turković and R. Galler at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. During his studies he won numerous prizes in both solo and ensemble competitions. As a solo bassoonist, he collaborates with many orchestras and chamber ensembles throughout Europe and Israel. He gives concerts both as a soloist and chamber musician. Since 2004 he has been teaching bassoon at the Zagreb Academy of Music, and since 2005 he has been the solo bassoonist of the Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra.

Pianist Maria Mikulić Štimac graduated from the Rimsky- Korsakov Conservatory in Saint Petersburg. She earned her master’s degree at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz and at the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. She obtained her PhD degree from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split. As a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists’ Association, she has performed in Croatia and abroad, both as a soloist and within chamber ensembles. She has also performed at numerous Croatian and international music festivals. She has released six CDs.

Utorak, 17. kolovoza, 21.00 / Tuesday, August 17, 9 p.m.

Ansambl Illyrica

Nika Bauman, flauta /flute

Iva Casian-Lakoš, violončelo / cello Marko Ferlan, gitara / guitar Hiwote Tadesse, viola / viola


  1. Haydn (1732-1809) Kvartet za flautu, violu, violončelo i gitaru u E-duru,
  2. 2, br. 2 / Quartet for Flute, Viola, Cello and Guitar in E major, Op. 2, No. 2

Allegro molto Minuetto I Adagio Minuetto II Finale. Presto

  1. Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) Pištanje mlažnjaka za flautu i violončelo /

The Jet Whistle for flute and cello

  1. Budinich (1990-) Apoksiomen za flautu, violu, violončelo i gitaru /

Apoxyomenos for flute, viola, cello and guitar

  1. Schubert (1797-1828) Kvartet za flautu, violu, violončelo i gitaru u G-duru, D96 /

Quartet for flute, viola, cello and guitar in G major, D96

Allegro moderato Menuetto -Trio I – Trio II Lento e patetico Zingara

Ansambl Illyrica je internacionalni komorni sastav čiji su članovi mladi glazbenici raznovrsnih kulturoloških korijena, ali međusobno povezani obrazovanjem u Hrvatskoj

Nika Bauman (flauta), Iva Casian-Lakoš (violončelo), Marko Ferlan (gitara), a 2017. im se pridružuje HiwoteTadesse (viola). Etnička raznovrsnost donosi mješavinu hrvatskog, austrijskog, slovenskog, meksičkog, etiopskog i američkog temperamenta, te članovi jednako rado izvode djela skladatelja iz tih područja kao i ona majstora zapadne klasične glazbe. Inovativna kombinacija instrumenata u ansamblu vodila je stvaranju repertoara koji se sastoji od originalnih djela, vlastitih aranžmana te novih kompozicija mladih skladatelja pisanih upravo za Illyricu. Premda su visoko obrazovanje stekli u različitim zemljama svijeta (Austrija, SAD, Belgija), članovi su tijekom seminara i radionica u Hrvatskoj stvorili čvrstu umjetničku i prijateljsku vezu koja se jasno očituje u njihovu zajedničkom stvaranju glazbe pune emocija, veselja, strasti i ljubavi.

The Illyrica Ensemble is a chamber ensemble based in Croatia, which performs standard classical repertoire and commissions genre-bending works from composers. Illyrica also collaborates on multidisciplinary projects with other performers and visual artists. Listed as one of “Croatia’s most exciting experimental bands” (Timeout.com), the ensemble also aims to bring new music to audiences by giving concerts in small villages and in untraditional classical music venues.

Illyrica have performed at major venues and festivals across Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia, such as Wiener Musikverein, Zagreb Biennale, Scena Amadeo (Zagreb), Summer Magic at the Palace of Diocletian (Split), Arsana Festival (Ptuj, Slovenia), Brežice Festival (Slovenia), and Hvar Summer Festival. The ensemble was also selected to represent the Republic of Croatia during its Presidency of the European Union with concerts in Ireland in 2020 (postponed due to Covid-19).

Organizator: Umjetnička organizacija ART NOVI / Organizer: Artistic Organization ART NOVI

Suorganizatori: Turistička zajednica Grada Novog Vinodolskog, Centar za kulturu Grada Novog Vinodolskog /

Co-organizers:Tourist Board of the City of NV & Cultural centre of the City of Novi Vinodolski

Umjetnička ravnateljica / Artistic Director: Maria Mikulić Štimac Producent / Producer: Mario Butorac

Grafičko uređenje i dizajn / Design: Ivan Balažević

Obrada tekstova i prijevoda / Translation edited by Maja Oršić Magdić

Pokrovitelj:Gradsko poglavarstvo Grada Novog Vinodolskog Ministarstvo kulture RH, Austrijski kulturni forum, HDS ZAMP/ Under the auspices of the City Government of Novi Vinodolski, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia,

Austrian Cultural Forum, HDS ZAMP

Molimo cijenjene posjetitelje da se pridržavaju aktualnih mjera propisanih Hrvatskim zavodom za javno zdravstvo, a vezano za upute za sprječavanje i suzbijanje epidemije COVID-19

Visitors are kindly asked to adhere to the current precautionary measures decreed by the Croatian Institute of Public Health and aimed at preventing and minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Koncerti se održavaju na Precrikvi ispred crkve Sv. Filipa i Jakova ili u crkvi.

The concerts will take place at the Precrikva Square in front of the church of St Philip and Jacob or in the church itself.





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